Import Wishlist

Import your Steam's wishlist to your GOG account.

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4.67 (Rating count: 6)
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Recent rating average: 4.50
All time rating average: 4.67

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en Currently it doesn't seem to work, tried it a few times on different times/days but the button keeps having the circling arrows with no effect. Will try again to see if this changes.
Wo De
en Not always work. I tried it another day and imported around 170 games from Steam to GOG.
Jeffrey Schierer
en Had to click import a few times before it actually worked but otherwise great tool. Now if it could remove games from your steam wishlist after moving to GOG that'd be great
Adrian Clayton
en I was very hesitant to use this extension, because of course giving a program you don't know access to important accounts is rarely a good idea. That said, I also have literally hundreds of games on my wishlist, so it was a very tempting risk, so I looked into it and the source code ( seems legit from what I can tell, and the developer has other verifiable projects, so I tried it. Just to be safe, I made sure 2FA was on both of my accounts, and I changed my Steam and GOG passwords right after, and I encourage you to do the same. But bottom line: it works great! If you're cautious, I encourage you to do what I did, but as far as I can tell this is a legit extension. Thank you, Daniel Mendes, you've saved me at least an hour of mindlessly moving wishlist items over <3