
A typing game experiment.

Total ratings

3.67 (Rating count: 6)
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Recent rating average: 3.00
All time rating average: 3.67

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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Kent Teh
en A lot misspelled word
Plum Creek
en Great idea. Is a challenging test for those who think they can type well... because it tests over a huge range of different characters. It also works great as a chromebook app because it loads right up and can fill the whole screen. I rated it 4 stars because it had a key that's not on my chromebook keyboard (a long -).
Owen Collins
en Interface is really clunky. Every time I make a mistake, my first impulse is to press backspace in order to correct it. This takes me out of the game completely. I wouldn't mind seeing what the rest of the game was like, but it got too frustrating to use. Let me know if you manage to solve it.
Wei Styer
en Not the typing test most people want, but a very well created and thoughtful typing application nonetheless.