Gin Rummy

The classic card game Gin Rummy. Organize cards into melds, minimize your deadwood and knock before the opponent does!

Total ratings

2.54 (Rating count: 35)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Works smoothly and provides a fair game
  • Good graphics and easy to use
  • Allows manual sorting of cards
  • Keeps fun statistics
  • Fun to play frequently
  • Does not follow traditional Gin Rummy rules
  • Too easy to win at times
  • App can freeze when moving cards
  • Limited to 2 players only
  • Cards are too small for users with vision issues
Most mentioned
  • Game does not play by the rules of Gin Rummy
  • Issues with winning frequency
  • Problems with app freezing
  • Desire for more than 2 players
  • Card size can be a problem for some users
See reviews for Gin Rummy on Chrome Web Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.50
All time rating average: 2.54
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33% (5)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
en bs
en It works! And it lets you sort your cards manually. Keeps fun statistics. I like the graphics. Thanks!
John Currie
en Game wins 2 out of three games according to scorekeeper with game. In over 200 games I have never been dealt 3 of a kind yet the computer often would knock on the first card drawn. Pass on this one
cristina swift
en to beta
Brian Martin
en Better when it had 4 players
Cameron Castronova
en The game does not play by the rules of the game. Each player is dealt 10 cards, then one card is turned up to the non dealer. IF that card is not chosen by the dealer's rival the dealer is given the chance for that first card. This is not so in this game. If the dealer's rival does not take that card, the rival takes a card from the deck, and the dealer never gets the oppertunity to take that first card. Major Flaw to this game.
Steven Brown
en Too easy to win at times. Am having problems with the app freezing if I move a card while the dealer is playing. Beginning to get annoying.
Carll Gerzen
en Like real rummy without this Knock only feature
Emile Lounibos
en It was ok but my vision is not the greatest cards were too small
Midge Bailey
en It's a fun game. I play it all the time, even when I loose.
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