Pyramids - Tripeaks Solitaire

Tripeaks Solitaire is an incredibly addictive classic solitaire card game. Can you be the best player in our global rankings?

Total ratings

3.57 (Rating count: 14)
See reviews for Pyramids - Tripeaks Solitaire on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.00
All time rating average: 3.57

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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Janis Hewes
en itis my fav game
Nancy Hathcock
en Love this game
A Google user
en This was working but then message told me it was the wrong version and to reload it. I did, still won't work.
Francisco Javier Almeida
en At last the 3 pyramids game in chrome web store!!! And with global rankings!!! AND FREE!!! :) I've been looking for it too long, but only 1 pyramid games were available. This one is really catchy. Looking forward to being able to sign up as user to be the best player in the world :P