Reviews of Incognito This Tab for Google Chrome™

List of user reviews and ratings for Incognito This Tab for Google Chrome™

Total ratings

4.23 (Rating count: 22)

Review summary

  • It works well and performs the intended function.
  • It's free, which makes it desirable for users.
  • Users find it helpful for opening sites in Incognito mode.
  • Some versions break existing functionality, such as shortcuts.
  • Ads on the configuration screen are intrusive and misleading.
  • It sometimes reports a 'not private' connection error on specific sites.
Most mentioned
  • It just WORKS.
  • Made my life a lot easier.
  • There's a desire for additional features like closing the original tab.
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for Incognito This Tab for Google Chrome™ on Chrome Web Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.50
All time rating average: 4.23
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Rating filters

5 star
54% (7)
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8% (1)
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23% (3)
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15% (2)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Joar Brännström Falk
en doesnt work
Oskar Austegard
en Loss of two stars because they serve ads on their configuration screen, one of which ALMOST had me install crapware from some vendor after the ad took up the whole screen and appeared to be part of the setup for the extension. I'd rather pay you than be subjected to the ads.
en it sucks and it doesn't work.
en when i go on roblox it says Your connection is not private pls help
Sergio Vazquez II
en Awesome plugin! It just WORKS. 👍🏼
Daniel Eckl
en App provides a really useful function to me. But version 3.0.0 breaks shortcut functionality and developer contact email is bouncing.
Jose M Alarcon
en Simple and working flawlessly (unlike other similar extensions in the store). I'd love if they could add being able to close automatically the original tab after opening it in incógnito.
Ayush Agrawal
en Made my life a lot easier. Thanks a lot
Scott Garren
en Works well. Opening a new Incognito window is very helpful with some site. I wish there was an option to close the original, non-incognito window at the same time as opening the new one.
Wanda Fitzsimmons
en i really like it works great and its free makes it so much more desireable
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