Leads2b - Busca de Contatos B2B - Stage

Encontre e-mails corporativos ao navegar pelo site de uma empresa ou redes sociais.

Leads2b - Busca de Contatos B2B - Stage: Find Corporate Emails

Leads2b - Busca de Contatos B2B - Stage is a Chrome extension that enables you to find corporate emails of professionals linked to the websites you browse and contacts on professional social networks. Import contacts to Leads2b, validate emails, and accelerate prospecting with automated email flows.
Install from Chrome Web Store

Extension stats

Manifest V3
By: Leads2b
Users: 39
Version: (Last updated: 2025-02-13)
Creation date: 2022-10-27
  • cookies
  • storage
  • tabCapture
  • offscreen
  • notifications
  • scripting
  • tabs
  • activeTab
Host permissions:
  • <all_urls>
Size: 1.17M
Full description: See detailed description

Other platforms

Not available on Android
Not available on Firefox
Not available on Edge

Extension safety

Risk impact

Leads2b - Busca de Contatos B2B - Stage requires some sensitive permissions that could impact your browser and data security. Exercise caution before installing.

Risk impact analysis details
  • Critical Captures visible content, which may expose user data displayed on the screen, posing a security threat.
  • Critical ****** ****** ** ******* ***** ***** *** ** **** ** ***** **** ******** ****** *** ******** ********** * ******* ********
  • Critical ****** ****** ** *** ********* ****** * *********** ******** **** ** ** *** ******* *** ****** **** **** *** ******* *****
  • High ******* ******* **** *** ****** ***** *** ***** ** ******* **** ********* ********* ** * *********** *****
  • Medium ******* ******* ************* ***** *** ** ******* *** **** ******* ****** ******** *******
  • Low ******* ****** ** *** ********* ********
Risk likelihood

We don't have sufficient data to confidently determine the risk likelihood of Leads2b - Busca de Contatos B2B - Stage. Use it at your own risk.

Risk likelihood analysis details
  • High This extension was recently updated in the past month. New updates may not be stable or safe.
  • High **** ********* *** *** **** ****** ********* ********** *** *** ** ****** ** *****
  • Low **** ********* *** ***** **** **** * ****** **** ***** ********** *** **** ****** ** ** ****** *** *****
Upgrade to see full risk analysis details

Similar extensions

Here are some Chrome extensions that are similar to Leads2b - Busca de Contatos B2B - Stage: