Reviews of Periodic Table-Chemistry Tools

List of user reviews and ratings for Periodic Table-Chemistry Tools

Total ratings

3.88 (Rating count: 16)

Review summary

  • User-friendly interface
  • Packed with useful data
  • Great for students and chemistry enthusiasts
  • Highly praised by multiple users
  • Contains bugs affecting functionality
  • Non-supported GPU message
  • Error messages preventing use
Most mentioned
  • Great app
  • Best periodic table
  • Useful for students
  • Fancy interface
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for Periodic Table-Chemistry Tools on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.10
All time rating average: 3.88

Rating filters

5 star
70% (7)
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10% (1)
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1 star
20% (2)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Bhathiya Fernando
en A Great App..
Venustiano Joaquin Bonilla Amador
en Perfection
Carolina Jiménez Santos
es Está muy chulo ;)
Anargyros Poulis
en It is very good but it has some bugs like: when I try to find something with find button I can't delete it to find something new, also when I choose an element and I 'm in summary mode I can't drag the bar.
Hilary Hilary
en Can't get it to work, keeps coming up with non supported gpu message - don't know if google fault or app fault, either way, it doesn't work for me
green white
en Hey, it doesn't work! "Error while beginning play."
Shaw Summa
en This is a great app.
Desmond High
en This is the best periodic table around!
hugh jackman
en Hmmm, :D this is the best periodic table i have found! fancy interface and packed with data!
Dragoslav Radosavljevic
en Great chem tool! Very useful for students and chem ninjas, good job!