Origin Finder

Origin Finder

Displays the country of origin for electronic products on amazon,flipkart,snapdeal

Total ratings for Origin Finder
4.00 (Rating count: 7)
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Recent reviews for Origin Finder
Recent rating average: 4.50
All time rating average: 4.00
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
usamah kader
usamah kader
Hello a great Idea but it only works on Amazon India. Could you allow it to work on Amazon UK and US so we can avoid buying Chinese products. Thank you!
Richie Schut
Richie Schut
Only works with the India version of Amazon.
Deependra Patel
Deependra Patel
Nice idea! As I can see from code, there is only a fixed list of companies which are mostly for digital items. It will also be useful to cover more categories. https://github.com/anishshanbhag/Origin-Finder/blob/master/contentScript.js#L28
Anil Shanbhag
Anil Shanbhag
Awesome work !
Dazed Confused
Dazed Confused
Great idea. I hope it gets better and everyone uses it. God bless you !
Shashank Kumar
Shashank Kumar
Awesome work!