Kids Sight Words

Kids Sight Words is a delightful app across the board for children, parents and teachers! Join Tammy the frog on a journey through…

Total ratings

3.16 (Rating count: 25)
See reviews for Kids Sight Words on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.56
All time rating average: 3.16

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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Old Chromebook 2014
en This app had stopped
Chilecia Strickland
en For me it skips entirely too much. the quality of the music sounds a little distorted.
Josephine Valadez
en Great way to help reinforce sight words.... Wish their was a way to customize the sight word lists for the game or to choose which sight words would be used in each game. Thanks
Roy Ashman
en Not working on Samsung Chromebook
Adrian Gavura
sk Dobre pre deti ked sa idu ucit anglicky
en I loved this game it was amazing. I met somebody who tried it and they said it was cool so I tried it and I think this game would be great for any kid and they should have it in every single elementry school. I used it on my computer and let my friend try it
Srdjan Petrovic
en Pretty cool, people don't realize but this is an Android app running on Chrome OS.
Jeroen Klijs
en Nice game, wrong language. I do have the word lists for Dutch education. If I provide these, could you add them?
Swetha S
en good one.