Read&Write for Google Chrome™

Boost reading and writing confidence across all types of content and devices, in class, at work, and at home.

Total ratings

3.49 (Rating count: 1,573)

Review summary

  • Helps with work a lot, especially on Google Docs
  • Useful for skimming through text
  • Can assist in reading assignments
  • Pops up randomly and can be intrusive
  • Does not work consistently for some users
  • Takes up unnecessary space in Google Docs
  • Limited functionality compared to existing features in Google Docs
  • Causes issues with other applications like Canvas
Most mentioned
  • Claims to help with reading but often doesn't function
  • Intrusive and annoying pop-ups
  • Frustration over required use despite dissatisfaction
  • Inconsistent performance leading to user frustration
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for Read&Write for Google Chrome™ on Chrome Web Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.30
All time rating average: 3.49
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Rating filters

5 star
36% (144)
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9% (36)
3 star
8% (31)
2 star
6% (26)
1 star
41% (167)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Callie Alreza
en Firstly, I wish there were more highlighter colors. Secondly, I hate that it misspells words. When it read Icela, it said Iceilla. This is a bad (but a bit good) extension. Just needs some tweaks and it'll be fine.
Katrina Karla
en it wont open for me anywhere
Colton Cooper
sigma boi
en Intrusive Pop-Ups. I guess the overall extension is decent for use. Not a big fan.
Gabriel McLennan
Remy Gaskin
en eye of rah
Mason jones
en I tried to use this it won't work
en its not working for me at all...
Zaki Rahman
en useless and gets in the way
Caden Nguyen
en 3 stars because there is no reason why you need this. Also, this extension is useless. Whoever made this extension needs to send to court or something because of the concerns (not the privacy, see the description right next to this text). It is located in Google Docs and possibly Google Slides and when you open it, you see some tools up in the top or in the side which we don't need this because some people might be thinking it could be cheating and stuff like that. It takes space also and there is no point of this extension. Also, auto correct the words feature has already been added to Google Docs. Also, it takes up space where there is no option to turn the tools off or where you can access it by a shortcut while in Google Docs. Also, there are already some extensions that has the same thing without these issues up here or websites contain like this one (not extensions) such as DeepL Write without of these issues. Certain features has already been added to Google Docs or in the device (as mentioned before) such as reading the text you highlighted which it can be done from your device or something else. There are other features that I can't list so there is no reason why you need to use this
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