
Boost email outreach using AI: automate sequences, personalize with tags, and improve customer interaction. Win more deals today

Total ratings

4.55 (Rating count: 11)

Review summary

  • Saves time with innovative features
  • Enhances productivity and email organization
  • AI features like generated summaries
  • Feature-rich extension for Gmail
  • Helpful for sales and customer support
  • Premium features don't work
  • Decreased functionality over time
  • Lack of response from support
Most mentioned
  • Helpful for productivity
  • Innovative features
  • AI-generated summaries
  • Great for sales and customer support
  • Initial improvements followed by issues
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for InboxPro on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.50
All time rating average: 4.55

Rating filters

5 star
80% (8)
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10% (1)
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1 star
10% (1)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Edgardo Roa Dalleto
es Inicialmente, mi opinión sobre el producto era de 5 estrellas, ya que durante la compra y los meses posteriores, noté muchas mejoras. Sin embargo, lamentablemente, he observado que han disminuido algunas funcionalidades que estaban disponibles al principio. Esta situación me ha llevado a reconsiderar mi valoración. Me siento decepcionado y creo que malgasté mi dinero.
Nicole Hartmann
en Superb!
Kevin Lee
en Excellent gmail extension to track emails, set up templates, send sequences, and more. Its saved me thousands of hours so far!
Shormila Ahmed
en I love this extension, it has been very helpful for me. I discovered in Product Hunt. You really need this extension, try the free version first like I did.
Harun Mridha
en If you use email as a sales or customer support tool, definitely you have to try this. BTW Inboxpro I have left you feedback on some things that I think if you'd add the product will be top. Thanks
en To be honest, when I first try InboxPro, I didn't understand it. I've now come to the point that I can't live without it. Give them an opportunity
Goutam Roy
en Love the AI generated summary. Great idea!
Saiful Islam
en Guys, if you follow the roadmap that they said in Product Hunt, I'm sure this extension will be one of the most used in Google Chrome. Awesome produc
Knowledge Pack
en Wow! Email reports and Insight surprised me, I think there a lot of improvements they can do but looks promising
Knowledge Power
en Awesome extension that adds great features to Gmail. Inboxpro is a must-have that completely improves the Gmail experience.