Reviews of Ticket Templates for JIRA

List of user reviews and ratings for Ticket Templates for JIRA

Total ratings

4.64 (Rating count: 11)

Review summary

  • Very useful for daily tasks
  • Simplifies work processes
  • Compatibility issues with the current version of Jira Cloud
  • Auto-populate feature does not work
  • Breaks with backslashes in old Jira view
Most mentioned
  • Not working with the current version of Jira
  • Functionality problems after updates
  • Positive feedback on usability
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for Ticket Templates for JIRA on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.50
All time rating average: 4.64

Rating filters

5 star
83% (5)
4 star
3 star
2 star
17% (1)
1 star
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Marco Zorreta
en Very very nice!
John Livingstone
en Offering tickets for live events such as concerts, sports, theater, and more, Ticketmaster is a world leader in ticket sales and delivery. It provides a simple-to-use ticket purchasing and ticket management platform. You can contact Ticketmaster's customer service department by calling +1 (888)-467-9377 (USA) or by visiting their website for additional alternatives.
de War mir erst suspekt wegen so wenig downloads, ist aber fast so gut wie die richtigen jira templates
Jimmy LYU
en very useful , but i hope that it can add more label when I create a bug . like ("fix-version" , "summary"...etc)
Afifa Habchi
en I*ve installed the app last week on Firefox, it worked pretty well with our old Jira version. Now since the Update on the 28th of June it doesn't work anymore on Firefox and Chrome with Jira Server. Could you please fix the issue.
Hannes Penker
de Läuft, vereinfacht mir die tägliche Arbeit Daumen hoch 5 Sterne