Google Theme

A dark Google Chrome theme with classic Google colors. It mimics Google+ look.

Total ratings

4.22 (Rating count: 968)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Cool and distinct design
  • Simple and easy on the eyes
  • Minimalist and stylish
  • Compatible with Google colors
  • Long-term user satisfaction
  • Difficulty in seeing browser buttons after updates
  • Issues with bookmark visibility
  • Process to remove the theme is unclear
  • Colors can be too similar for some users
  • Recent updates may change layout adversely
Most mentioned
  • Difficulty seeing Minimize, Maximize, Close buttons
  • Problems with bookmark visibility
  • Issues with removing the theme
  • General appreciation for the simple design
  • Long-term usage despite issues
See reviews for Google Theme on Chrome Web Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.60
All time rating average: 4.22
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Rating filters

5 star
63% (123)
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9% (18)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Ameer Hamza Awan
en Why does this not work
Rohan Reddy
en How do i remove it
en loved it becuase it is cool and well yeah lol
Kayleigh Moore (ImportedKayleigh)
en I like the shade of the tabs, especially for the colors on the top. Also, speaking of the shade, the colors on the top are little bit too shady. I still like it, even if there is a little too much shade. This could be improved (For example, the colors could be smudged together to add some more blend). But the review is for the quality so I still like it.
Matt Sheets
en This has been my Chrome theme for several years now, but a recent Chrome update has made it very hard to see the three buttons in the top right of the browser window. Need to make the Minimize, Maximize, and Close buttons more distinct for Windows users.
en Really like the theme, but the recent update changed the layout for the Min, Max and Close buttons on the upper right. Now they're really hard to see.
Casey Henderson
en its all a matter of taste i suppose but i like the google colors on the google browser. clean and distinct.
quỳnh anh
en very beautiful
Rabid Rabbit
ru Минималистично. Стильно. Сильно.
Trust Intaller
da du et
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