Hurry: Shop Nearby and Save

Hurry: Shop Nearby and Save

Everything you’re looking for, in-stock at a nearby store.

Total ratings for Hurry: Shop Nearby and Save
5.00 (Rating count: 6)
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Recent reviews for Hurry: Shop Nearby and Save
Recent rating average: 5.00
All time rating average: 5.00
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Maksim Slabodchykau
Maksim Slabodchykau
Wow, the Hurry extension is a game-changer! I've been using it for a few weeks now and I'm blown away by how easy it is to find stores nearby to pickup what I need. And with even more stores coming soon, I can't wait to see what other stores and goodies I can discover with Hurry near me! One of my recent purchases was a keyboard that I was able to try out in-store and not being anxious about how that keyboard will feel like when it arrives and if I'm going to like it or not and deal with returns..., but thanks to Hurry I haven't gone through all that! It saved me so much time and hassle. I highly recommend giving Hurry a try – it's a total game-changer for anyone who loves convenience, efficiency and being in charge.
A Google user
en Wow, the Hurry extension is a game-changer! I've been using it for a few weeks now and I'm blown away by how easy it is to find stores nearby to pickup what I need. And with even more stores coming soon, I can't wait to see what other stores and goodies I can discover with Hurry near me! One of my recent purchases was a keyboard that I was able to try out in-store and not being anxious about how that keyboard will feel like when it arrives and if I'm going to like it or not and deal with returns..., but thanks to Hurry I haven't gone through all that! It saved me so much time and hassle. I highly recommend giving Hurry a try – it's a total game-changer for anyone who loves convenience, efficiency and being in charge.
This concept is amazing. With the ability to quickly find a product near me, compare prices across different stores and picking it up the same-day, who needs shipping anymore? Great stuff.
Benoit Chabert
Benoit Chabert
This extension is great to help find products nearby. What I love most about is how convenient it is to quickly find stuff I need near me.
Eric Posen
Eric Posen
A perfect compliment to my shopping experience. It pops up only to let me know when a product is available same day from another merchant, which has really helped save me a lot of time and hassle. Really clean design and I can't wait to see how this evolves!