Reviews of Gmail HTML Editor

List of user reviews and ratings for Gmail HTML Editor

Total ratings

3.14 (Rating count: 14)

Review summary

  • Allows editing raw HTML of Gmail emails
  • Useful for fixing HTML signatures
  • Simple and lightweight tool
  • Functions well once the button is located
  • Button does not always appear in the Gmail interface
  • Requires refreshing the Gmail page to work properly
  • Some users report it not working at all
Most mentioned
  • Button is missing or does not show up
  • Works well for editing HTML once set up
  • Requires reloading Gmail for it to function correctly
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for Gmail HTML Editor on Chrome Web Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.60
All time rating average: 3.14
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Rating filters

5 star
55% (6)
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9% (1)
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1 star
36% (4)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
fr Tellement bien
Guilherme Silveira
en Pretty amazing little tool. I installed it to fix some issues in html signature just to realize this plugin is not enabled in WYSIWYG's signature editor. Thence here is my suggestion, for the author to extend it's features by enabling it in the signature editor. Thank you for this great extension.
Kristy Branko
en It does start HTML ace editor inside compose but it does not know how to send the actual HTML. In short, it does not work.
Matt Waterman
en Hi I am a real person telling you that this extension actually works, unlike all the other ones that don't or have a bunch of fake reviews that are all AI generated and they're not even trying to hide it. If you are capable of finding the button (see review below mine), it works perfectly.
Helga Walker
en Button is next to Send button in the compose dialog box. Works well. Thank you!
Nuria Font
en Button does not show up. I have restarted chrome but still not working.
bobo mkhitar
en Very useful tool, thanks to developers!
Virgile BALLEY
en button is missing :/
Oliver Couch
en Works great - just needed to reload gmail page to get it to show up. FYI, doesn't show up in tabs where gmail was already open when the extension was installed. Worst case, try restarting your browser.
Jun O Kim
en No button is added to Gmail.
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