Domino Effect

Use timing, skill, and ingenuity to create a chain of events to knock down the Gold Domino.

Total ratings

3.52 (Rating count: 93)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Fun game with potential for engagement
  • Good concept that challenges players' planning skills
  • Encourages strategic thinking akin to engineering
  • Novel idea that can stimulate critical thinking
  • Frustrating game mechanics such as resetting progress on failure
  • Levels can be excessively difficult or seem impossible
  • Slow pacing due to unnecessary countdowns and wait times
  • Glitches and technical issues hindering gameplay, especially on certain levels
Most mentioned
  • Difficulty spikes, particularly in levels 5, 9, 13, and 14
  • Frustration with game mechanics resetting builds
  • Desire for more levels and content
  • Need for better operational tweaks and adjustments
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.20
All time rating average: 3.52
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19% (5)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
wit dad
en beat lvl 13 ps u need to put them striaght up and down then a board on top it barley pushes it but still makesa board fall
John Carmichael
en it just sucks
Melquidez Lazaro
en Love it please add a level.. :D
John D Lord
en A great game, no complaints because one has to imagine being in the real world as a bridge or construction engineer. Plan ahead with each move and remember, LOSERS COMPLAIN, WINNERS NEVER GIVE UP.
Gary Weaver
en it's boring
Quinn Sinette
en its bull how ypu need to do everything perfect or the entire set falls you really need to fix that
ky ок
Ankit Jha
en my level 17 is not opening
en fun game. def has potential to be a big game
rick moore
en The concept of the game is good but it needs a few operational tweaks. When you have placed your dominoes and tested your design, then find out you need to tweak it a little, the editor puts you back to a blank screen which is very frustrating and made me stop playing after a few levels. I'd have enjoyed it much more and continued playing if I could simply edit my domino positions.
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