YouTube Auto Like, Level 2

Will auto like videos you watched, longer than certain percent of their runtime. This threshold you can control.

Total ratings

3.83 (Rating count: 6)
See reviews for YouTube Auto Like, Level 2 on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.50
All time rating average: 3.83

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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Ich habe die Werkzeuge
i tired uswing it on my channel and it didnt work
Johnny Sun
just telling you it doesn't work on chromebooks
I am writing this out of hype, without even testing the extension. I always thought that i am one of the few that like every video after a certain view time, out of pay back for the creator. I have even thought that i should make an extension for it. I am blown away that this kind of extension ALREADY exists! Thank you for that!
Viorel PETCU
I done this for myself, because I watch a lot of youtube videos and I want to repay the creators with a like, every time I watch most of the video. This way I do not forget to show my appreciation. PEACE!