Rotate that Video Player

Improve your video experience by effortlessly rotating your video clips by 90, 180, or 270 degrees.

Total ratings

3.59 (Rating count: 148)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Works well on YouTube and many HTML5 players
  • Ease of use, with relevant options provided for free
  • Helpful in DIY projects for video adjustments
  • Generally positive experience reported by users
  • Fails to work on some platforms like Google Meet and other websites
  • Inconsistent functionality after updates and across different sessions
  • Lack of clear instructions and visibility of the extension icon
  • Missing advanced features like save presets or reset options
Most mentioned
  • Not working on certain platforms or videos
  • Desire for additional features such as saving settings
  • Positive experiences particularly with YouTube and HTML5 player videos
  • User interface issues with visibility of the extension icon
See reviews for Rotate that Video Player on Chrome Web Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.30
All time rating average: 3.59
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Rating filters

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41% (46)
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26% (29)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Namings Hard
en doesn't work on youtube but worked fine on other sites, maybe conflicting with some other extensions though I didn't try to find out. another big issue is that this extension doesn't rotate the player window with video, so you have to watch a vertical video in a horizontal player which was very annoying.
Darien D
en This works wonderfully!
zh 記得以前是直接在Youtube影片下方,有個圖示按了就可以旋轉,但現在改不見了,還得退出全螢幕,然後點網址列右邊的圖示來轉,而且也無法全螢幕,變得不好用
Victor Prado
pt muito bom, funcionou ate pra transmissao no instagram
Ferry Pinem
en Very helpful. Its working on almost all website.
en It doesn't work at all, and I try another rotater, and it works fine, so fix your problem. Read the comments, I am not the only one.
Odisea Delapaz
es Funciona 100% puedo girar videos de youtube gracias
Jakub Kratochvíl
en not work
en Works great with any HTML5 player I have tested so far
en It seems it is only working on youtube. It does not works on videos on other websites.
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