ChromeMP3 Recorder

A free voice recording app that dramatically simplifies the task of recording spoken responses in language instruction and testing.

Total ratings

3.75 (Rating count: 8)
See reviews for ChromeMP3 Recorder on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.57
All time rating average: 3.75

Rating filters

5 star
57% (4)
4 star
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14% (1)
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29% (2)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Jace Roesner
en It's pretty good. I can record voices and turn it into an mp3 file. I will recommend 5 star :)
Captain Susser
en It works looks shady though
Sherton Yeo
en it doesn't work, had to redo an assinment which took an hour to do.
Jill Buckton
en It like froze when i wanted to save the recordings I lost 2 hrs worth of my work argggh!! terrible terrible app!!
Outliner Itoh Takashi
ja Chromebookで使用しています。 シンプルでとても使いやすいです。 録音中にディスプレイを閉じてスリープにしても、復帰すると録音を継続します。 録音の一時停止も可能。 停止してしばらくすると、保存のウインドウが出ます。 ファイル名は、日付時刻の形式です。ファイル名を変えることも可能です。
Delcie Hinkel
en This is perfect for language teachers that use Google Drive and Classroom! It is simple and straightforward, but does exactly what I needed it to do (record, save and share audio in Google Drive.) Thank you!
Greg Mawson
en Does what it says. Simple, no fuss, with G Drive integration as well.