Trend Micro Toolbar for Enterprise

Enhance web browser security with Trend Micro security software.

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1.00 (Rating count: 6)
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All time rating average: 1.00

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Denis Mitchell
en In case you're wondering why extensions applied via user-mode group policy are no longer working and getting uninstalled, it is because Trend Micro is setting an HKLM value to force-install this extension that is over-riding any keys in the user hive. The value is under this key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Google\Chrome\ExtensionInstallForcelist It will not show up in Local GP Editor since it is being set in the registry directly. Additionally, the description and version (ultra-alpha? of this extension are written so poorly that this seems like it is not official.
Binayak Upadhyaya
en Malicious. Cannot even remove this extention
Tayyeb's Personal
en This is not a good extension , i can not even do anything now , even i do not have any option to remove it from my chrome because they blocked that option