Reviews of YouGov Pulse

List of user reviews and ratings for YouGov Pulse

Total ratings

1.98 (Rating count: 292)

Review summary

  • Easy installation process
  • Quick to download and set up
  • User-friendly steps for installation
  • YouGov Pulse does not transmit data as expected
  • YouGov website does not recognize the extension
  • Lack of reliable customer support
  • Multiple users experience the same issues suggesting widespread problems
  • Risk of feeling scammed due to unfulfilled promises
Most mentioned
  • YouGov does not recognize the extension as installed
  • Problems with transmitting data despite installation
  • Users having to reinstall the extension multiple times
  • Frustration with lack of support and response from YouGov
  • Concerns about privacy and data handling
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.60
All time rating average: 1.98
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Rating filters

5 star
11% (21)
4 star
5% (9)
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5% (10)
2 star
13% (25)
1 star
65% (122)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Lauren Harding
en Installed easily, but YouGov keeps saying I'm not transmitting data. So I am at a loss, I just keep going around in circles and therefore I've had to give up. Pretty useless. And no contact for support.
Jeneva Hoffman
en Having same issue - the extension is installed and active, but YouGov indicates it isn't transmitting data.
Jennifer “Jenyfer89” Engietiphaine
fr je rejoint les autres avis, j'ai fait comme vous dites mais a chaque fois ca me dit "Nous ne parvenons pas à détecter l’extension sur votre navigateur." sauf que je l'a voit bien l'extension et que je peux meme cliquer dessus! encore un site mis en ligne sans fiabilité, perte de temps
Abdulahi Azeez
en it't seems good but i haven't get my reward
Michael Morrison
en It seems to be ok. But until I use it I won't know.
Acn Groe
en i am facing the same issues ,several others are facing.. The extension is bad
Terrie Wallace
en I installed this extention and at first it had me re-install it. I did and all I now get is the extention review page.
Geoff Palmer
en I do not think this extension has ever worked and there is no indication I can see if it is working or not. Along with you gov not accepting any results from the uploading of data from Amazon shopping or browsing history I think there are issues with the platform.
Hermann Schoepf
de seit neuesten meldet YouGov App bei Chrome es gäbe ein Problem, obwohl die App schon installiert ist. Beim Firefox ist alles klar. Was ist da los??
Cindy McHenry
en I have downloaded, installed the YouGov Pulse and added it as the extension on Chrome numerous times and it keeps saying the same thing. There are issues and asks me to do the steps all over again. It will not open while as an extension. It seems that chrome doesn't recognize it at all.
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