Typing Instructor Web for Kids

Typing Instructor Web for Kids teaches kids, ages 6 to 12, to type on an exciting adventure on Typer Island.

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2.13 (Rating count: 8)
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.25
All time rating average: 2.13

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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Don Robertson
en Portal to a subscription service - $30 a year. Fraid not
Connor Peckham
en just relinks you to a page that requests a yearly subscription fee of $30. it doesn't even have this game on there. don't support the pathetic developers by installing this.
Captain Rodstein
en This program helped me out sooooo much. I started out typing super slowly, but after playing the games and doing the lessons, I saw my typing get better so quickly! It's totally worth the $30 per year subscription, but on top of all that I got it for 50% off! Love it!
Sabrina DeFranco
en Appears to be a free typing tutor app "with in -app purchases" but is really just a portal to a subscription service for typing lessons. Can't say if the lessons are any good or not. We are looking for a quick free app, not a subscription service.