Add to Delicious

Add to Delicious

Add link to Delicious

Total ratings for Add to Delicious
4.61 (Rating count: 23)
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Recent rating average: 4.60
All time rating average: 4.61
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Tiphereth Gloria
Tiphereth Gloria
Thanks for writing this extension. Sadly, Delicious has been bought for one last time and no longer saves bookmarks. I've now moved to Pinboard with the rest.
Davide Cavallari
Davide Cavallari
Ok, it does what it should, just works
2017-04-09 John Petrie EDIT: It works flawlessly and fast in Chromium under Ubuntu 16.04, so there's some critical difference between Chromium under Debian and Chromium under Ubuntu that isn't the app creator's fault. Original review: In Chromium on Debian Jessie, it doesn't work. When I click on the Add to Delicious icon, a big white box appears in the middle of my browser window that looks like it's going to be the standard box for adding a link to Delicious, but nothing ever happens. Sometimes this box does ask me to sign in to Delicious, and after I sign in, the same empty white box appears. No words, fields, or anything else ever appears in this box. If I close the box and click the Add to Delicious icon again, I'm asked to sign in again even though I just did, and still nothing ever appears in the empty box. Maybe a bug specific to my browser or Linux distribution?
Đăng Trí Lê
Đăng Trí Lê
this app is really good for SEO
Andy Davies
Andy Davies
It works with the domain, and has a simple interface.
Alexandre Andrade
Alexandre Andrade
The only extension that is still working.
Aaron Jolly
Aaron Jolly
Only one that actually works since changed to
Joseph Phillimore
Joseph Phillimore
THE Delicious extension that actually works - apparently even when the ever neglected site itself doesn't so... happy days!
Ezra Goodnoe
Ezra Goodnoe
asks me to log into delicious and then gives me a blank popup window, the only page the form will appear and populate on is helpful
Brent Arias
Brent Arias
Works. Dialogue allows metadata editing and tagging. Just what I wanted.
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