OfficeMA Timesheet

Easy to use and simple Online Timesheet and Project Management. Flexible task billing options and downloadable reports

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3.77 (Rating count: 13)
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.20
All time rating average: 3.77

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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Ganesh Iyer
en App is very simple to use and very intuitive without getting too complicated.. Love it
Coach Nisha Lobo (ironmindedwolf)
en Fantastic App. This app is very simple to use and gets the job done. As a free service it provides most options that paid apps provide. My employers and happy with the amount of detail provided in the time sheet. It is also very easy for me to keep track of my work done versus the remuneration received. Highly recommended for all freelancers and even people working on Projects.
David Eduardo Rearte
en Works excellent for my, the reports and sort functionality is awesome
MD Kajak
en I have been using this app for a few months now, and it is awesome. Easy to install and easy to use. I have not had a chance to use the timer. I recommend this app for anyone with a small business, I am a freelancer and it is perfect for me. I am able to create reports that are very useful.
Victory Gasper
en The extension to start the timer does not work at all. Uninstalling.