Paris City Scenery Theme

It's simple and replaces your current Chrome Tab with Paris City Scenery Theme. HOW TO UNINSTALL: - Access the Settings on your…

Total ratings

3.33 (Rating count: 3)
See reviews for Paris City Scenery Theme on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.33
All time rating average: 3.33

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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Ranacel Kermitt
es muy agradable pero deberían acomodarlo a manera de que al ponerlo no tengamos que minimizar el zoom para que se vea completa la imagen ya que solo poniendo el zoom al 80%se logra apreciar bien
en Does not install correctly on microsoft systems, back ground pic is zoomed in. Probably only fits apple product on chrome browsers
Anne-Marie Newsom
en really like the colors and how the tabs are set up