Arcane Legends

Adventure unleashed! Explore the magical world of Arcane Legends with companions on desktop and mobile for FREE!

Total ratings

4.70 (Rating count: 16,145)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Fun gameplay overall
  • Good graphics
  • Social features
  • Works well on mobile devices
  • Some players have enjoyed it for a long time
  • Loading issues and lagging after a few minutes of play
  • Problems with playing on PC and Chrome
  • Frequent disconnections
  • Poor support and community feedback
  • Difficult controls and lack of tutorial
Most mentioned
  • Loading issues
  • Game works well on mobile
  • Lagging and disconnections
  • Graphics are good but controversial
  • Problems playing on PC
See reviews for Arcane Legends on Chrome Web Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.50
All time rating average: 4.70
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Rating filters

5 star
62% (99)
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15% (24)
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4% (7)
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3% (5)
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16% (25)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
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en why i can't play it on PC chrome?
en i love this game, it works very nicely on my chromebook! if you have this game on chromebook add me XxxBearxxx
Xinyi Zhou
es Como lo desistalo no lo sé ayuda!
acer pcs
tr muhteşem bir oyun
en ive been playing this game for 1 year and then i deleted it when i download again now it all went wrong
Chinelo E
en So I saw all the reviews and I give it 5 star because it seems like a fun game. But since im on laptop i cant play it.
Superior Spy
en I really like it but when i try to play for sometime its says aw snap and then i have to log back in and it does the same thing again so idk whats happening but overall its good Edit: oh and pls make an app version like cracking sands did pls
Jamie Rose
en this game starts in a very long loading when you didnt in that tab its stops loading plus it disconnected if you in other tab in very long time i may be play this if the loading fix to like 1-2 mimutes
DaRamenGeek ]:V
en Well, to be honest it was kinda good but sill bad at the same time. It was because the gameplay and the controls are decent, but the story is really hard to follow and really boring, the rewards of getting to a certian level is a bit too OP (overpowered) because every time I reach 5 levels I always get free armor and a weapon which are practically too OP. Only if they made a huge update to remake the stats of the enemies and remove the level up gear factor of the game, the game would be really great. If you've reached this part of this review, congrats! But for the ones who just skipped to the end I give you a thumbs down :( . P.S. The level up gear out stats the armor I earned from quests or in the map. (message: either get rid of the level up gear or nerf them.) Your's truly, LNL05 :)
Aubrey Ullian
en i cant even play it! it says"oops this content has been restricted!uh!
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