What is TxStreet ETH Gas Prices?
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Extension summary
TxStreet simulates the next 3 blocks in real time, using pending transactions. These simulations allow for the most accurate gas price predictions. Depending on the fluctuating base fee, the second and third block may have higher fees than the first. It's recommended to use the large green values, however if there is a gas war and you need an instant confirmation, you might consider overpaying.
Use the slider to set your preference from "minimum" to "recommended" to "overpay" depending on how fast you need your transactions confirmed. This setting is reflected on the number badge in the extensions icon, where your calculated fee is displayed.
EIP-1559 compatible! Toggle the EIP-1559 switch to view "Priority Fee" and "Max Fee" instead of "Gas Price". Toggling this will also show the priority fee on the number badge in the extensions icon.
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Extension safety
Risk impact
TxStreet ETH Gas Prices does not require any sensitive permissions.
Risk likelihood
TxStreet ETH Gas Prices has earned a good reputation and can be trusted.
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