Reviews of Grid Paint

List of user reviews and ratings for Grid Paint

Total ratings

3.30 (Rating count: 27)

Review summary

  • easy to use
  • exactly what I needed
  • good for creating sprites and maps
  • ability to save in multiple formats
  • difficult to get the desired color
  • issues with the shift tool causing problems
  • hard to undo mistakes
Most mentioned
  • easy to use
  • good for specific projects like sprite creation
  • saved as image/SVG
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.70
All time rating average: 3.30
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Rating filters

5 star
67% (10)
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13% (2)
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1 star
20% (3)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Sonic The Hedgehog
en why do apps gotta link me?
Jineon Baek
en does what needed/expected
Graham Marrow
en so easy to use 10\10 LOVE IT!!!
ivy rose
en it's good hard to get the color you want but other than that IT'S GOOD
Sam Thompson
en I used the shift tool and it ruined the art because I could not undo the shift and it messed up my brush. Ruined my art. HATED IT
Gabs Gabbers
en really good, especially when i needed several sprites in a short time
Frodo B
en exactly what I needed. I created some GURPS maps, was able to save the file as an image as well as svg. You can also go back in and edit previous pieces.
Sue Gooding
en hated it
ML Herrick
en Exactly what I was looking for, so easy to use! I use it for fabric/yarn charting.
en Pretty nice.
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