Tab Slideshow Plus is a unique Chrome extension designed to automate the process of cycling through open browser tabs. It converts your open tabs into a slideshow or presentation, with the ability to update pages by refreshing them periodically. Ideal for presentations spread over multiple tabs or showcasing multiple advertisements or data displays. User-friendly interface allows you to set the tab change interval and optional refresh interval with ease.
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Tab Slideshow Plus allows you to cycle through open tabs in a particular browser window as though each tab were a slide in a slideshow or presentation.
It's perfect for presenting information spread across multiple tabs or for advertising or information displays!
The functionality is simple: press the Tab Slideshow Plus icon in your extension tray, input the tab change interval length (the amount of time to spend on each tab), optionally specify a refresh interval for (to auto-refresh tabs after an amount of time) and press 'Begin'. Tabs will then change automatically after the specified interval of time is up and will refresh if a refresh interval is provided.
User reviews
Bastante bien, faltaria agregar que ademas de cambiar de tab permita customizar que parte quiero ver de la pagina o algo asi.,.. mas pro, como un recuadro de una pagina por ejemplo... asi puedo tener mi consola de administracion en una sola pantalla sin basura alrededor.