Tabiverse: Space & Planets in New Tab

Tabiverse: Space & Planets in New Tab

Fill your new tab with cool planets, stars, and asteroids from space, giving you awesome interactive space themed 3D HD wallpapers!

Additional files are visible only to premium users


  "update_url": "",
  "name": "Tabiverse: Space & Planets in New Tab",
  "short_name": "Tabiverse",
  "version": "",
  "description": "Fill your new tab with cool planets, stars, and asteroids from space, giving you awesome interactive space themed 3D HD wallpapers!",
  "manifest_version": 2,
  "chrome_url_overrides": {
    "newtab": "index.html"
  "offline_enabled": true,
  "background": {
    "scripts": [
    "persistent": false
  "browser_action": {
    "default_title": "Tabiverse"
  "icons": {
    "256": "icon_256.png",
    "406": "icon_406.png"