Reviews of Card Color Titles for Trello

List of user reviews and ratings for Card Color Titles for Trello

Total ratings

4.52 (Rating count: 149)

Review summary

  • Was a fantastic option for years
  • Appreciation for the developer's initial work
  • No longer works or functions properly
  • Removes labels from cards instead of showing them
  • Trello has added native support for label display, making the extension redundant
  • Many users report issues with labels not being displayed
Most mentioned
  • Extension no longer works
  • Trello has native support for this feature now
  • Labels not displayed when extension is active
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.30
All time rating average: 4.52
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Jack Dinh
en This no longer works (it used to some time ago). Trello has added native support for this now. Just press the ";" button on your keyboard while in Trello and it will show/hide the label on the cards in the list.
Igor Ekishev
en It does not work.
Ryan Jenkins
en Great idea, if it still worked. For some reason, not only does it not show the titles layered on cards, but completely removes the bars that initially appeared. Please fix.
Karoline Vincelet
fr C'est super, mais depuis quelques jours ça ne fonctionne plus. Ca fait disparaître la visualisation des étiquettes dans la vue board. J'ai du désactiver. Pouvez-vous me prévenir s'il y a une MAJ?
Julie Mota
fr super extension, mais ne fonctionne plus ?
Neil Cresswell
en Was a fantastic option for years, so I really appreciate what the developer did here. Unfortunately it no longer shows colors in Trello, so will sadly be removing it.
Patrice V
fr Ne semble plus maintenue. Les labels ne s'affichent pas
Alejandro Picado
es Ya no esta funcionando, no muestra los títulos y el color de las etiquetas
ja 表示されなくなり、いつまでも修正こないと思ってたのですが、標準機能で搭載されたようですね。ラベルをクリックするとラベル名が表示されます。今までお世話になりました。
David Boyd
en Realize this is an old extension - but it does not work - when applied it removed all the labels from the cards. Luckily - removing the extension brought them back. Good thought - which it was part of the core Trello
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