EarSoft Level

EarSoft Level

Level stops sound going too loud or quiet while keeping all the excitement intact.

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3.83 (Rating count: 47)
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Jonathan Wilansky
Jonathan Wilansky
Works great to reduce dynamic range of videos from the browser so that I'm not constantly adjusting the volume while I watch. Downsides: the overall output from the browser is much lower so the computer volume needs to go much higher... which can be extremely annoying if I forget to turn the computer volume down before playing sound from outside the browser; also, maybe a bug, when starting a new episode from Netflix, there is a short loud boom of uncompressed sound before the compressor kicks in, which can be annoying, even dangerous. I wish there wasn't these issues.
Rohan Lasrado
Rohan Lasrado
Blaine Bailey
Blaine Bailey
The app sounds amazing! I use it at night to avoid crazy loud noises on really dynamic sounding movies and shows and it's very difficult to hear to the compressor kick in. Biggest complaint by far is the delay. I'm not sure why it delays so much, but fortunately setting the buffer size to the lowest value still sounds really good and brings the delay down to a couple frames. The interface takes a minute to get a handle of. Personally, I just keep it fully compressed and pull the volume 90% of the way up.
Not effective enough and broke sound on too many sites. Plus the user interface doesn't make any sense. I'm told to widen or narrow and slide the bulb side to side but there doesn't seem to be any controlling of the 'compressing' happening regardless of what I do. So it's just a volume slider that breaks the audio on a bunch of sites, including Dailymotion and most of the audio loops and samples sites I frequent to audition sounds for music production. It drove me nuts for weeks until I tracked this extension down as the culprit and uninstalled it.
albert chen
albert chen
This is so close to being my one stop extension for audio. I is so perfect in its functionality but just lacks a little executes. I glitches at times and doesn't work for all video. Also the minimum audio buffer is 2048 samples, which is a little on the long side. I wish that some would continue development are if the project goes open source. This extension is great.
Akash Patel
Akash Patel
Been very useful so far with videos that have super loud or super soft volume levels. One issue I have seen though is that this extension completely mutes volume on Zoom meeting recordings. Bypassing the extension doesn't seem to help. It still completely mutes the audio.
Patrick Rannou
Patrick Rannou
Problems: #1: It works only with HTML 5. Maybe wonderful for such sites, but I watch a lot of "redirected" streaming, so, lots of websites I tried, the extension didn't do zilch. Maybe just grab directly the Windows (or Mac) sound output itself, maybe with an UAC permission, instead of coding "inside" one single specific HTML format that doesn't support redirections? #2: The interface choice, while it looks super cool, is also super useless. What the user gets: - A SINGLE slider that you drag left to lower high volume and drag right to boost low sounds - 3 choices of "dynamic range" which essentially give you no idea what it does - And finally a sampling size for performance control. This is pretty useless because while it seems simple to use, the amount of control you really get is very low because it kind of "fuses together" things that should be kept 100% separate. If you need your low volume sounds boosted by amount X AND your high volume sounds lowered by amount Y, while leaving the middle volume levels intact, then you're out of luck. If you need to set the point which is considered middle volume level a bit higher or lower, but WITHOUT also impacting the scaling on the low and high volume levels, sorry you're also out of Luck. If you need to change the actual "shape" of the scaling, for example choosing between greatly boosting all low volume levels more or less equally up to some point, vs boosting the low volume levels a bit while boosting much more those low volume levels which are really very low, then you are also out of luck. Basically you have no control over the specific shape of the equalizing function, you can only move it left or right, or make it wider/thinner only it in a very global way. It's almost a one-size-fits-all approach. What the user SHOULD get instead: - Classic "master volume" equalizer control with let's say from 3 to 20 sliders (user number box choice, with default at say 5 sliders). Sliders can each be picked and dragged up and down to specify how louder (up) or softer (down) sounds at that volume level get to be scaled. Each slider would thus represents one of the input volumes levels from min to max, but not exactly using a linear scale: it would use an exponential scale to get a finer granularity at the lower input volume levels, and coarser granularity for the the higher volumes. Maybe also display a graph with exponential scale axes, with, on the X axis , the "input volume", and, on the Y axis, the '"output volume", with each slider shown as a colored vertical line, and the total equalizer curve shown, connecting the to each of of those lines, in order to show the exact scaling applied at all volume levels. - Another similar set of sliders + graphs, this time instead showing an adjustment according to the frequency of the sounds (default being at 100%). This is because at equal volume, some frequencies are heard to hear, while other frequencies can be felt too strongly. - And finally the "sampling size" control. Still searching for a good volume equalizer out there...
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This extension will be good if it does not stop other sites videos from playing back without sound. like Instagram or LinkedIn...
D-Rock Anomaly
D-Rock Anomaly
The design is very un-intuitive. Works alright once figured out, but the control is very fine, very sensitive. It's just annoying to use. Simple sliders, or preset modes work perfectly fine, no need to reinvent the wheel.
valery zimnitskiy
valery zimnitskiy
It works well. But i found the problem with youtube who starts to glitch for a second when going to fullscreen and back.
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