Todoist Time

Todoist Time

This extension will add up time values set in your Todoist tasks and display the sum next to the open project.

Additional files are visible only to premium users


  "update_url": "",
  "manifest_version": 2,
  "name": "Todoist Time",
  "short_name": "See how long your tasks will take",
  "description": "This extension will add up time values set in your Todoist tasks and display the sum next to the open project.",
  "version": "1.0",
  "icons": {
    "16": "timer_16.png",
    "32": "timer_32.png",
    "64": "timer_64.png",
    "128": "timer_128.png"
  "content_scripts": [
      "matches": [
      "css": [
      "js": [