Colab Themes

Changes the appearance of Google Colab!

Total ratings

4.38 (Rating count: 16)

Review summary

  • Works great and smooth
  • Customizable themes
  • Great collection of themes
  • Easy to use
  • Limited number of built-in themes
  • Themes disappear when scrolling
  • Lack of instructions for applying themes
  • Bugs causing links to blink
Most mentioned
  • Need for more themes
  • Difficulty in applying themes
  • Glitch with themes disappearing on scroll
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.00
All time rating average: 4.38
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Rating filters

5 star
62% (8)
4 star
15% (2)
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8% (1)
2 star
15% (2)
1 star
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Nir Potasman
en Great, works almost perfectly, a bit difficult to create custom themes, but other than that - its AMAZING.
Sergio Sperb
pt Excelente extensão, te permite instalar o tema Dracula, deixando com ótimo visual. Poderia ter mais temas, mas por meio desse add on é possível fazer upload do arquivo de tema que vc prefira. Super recomendo.
en Goated extension fr.
Joseph G
en So smooth. Great job. The customization is great.
pt Funciona direitinho, apesar de não ser muitos temas diferentes. Mesmo provavelmente sendo modinha, gosto do tema Drácula.
Deonna Hodges
en Love this idea, but unfortunately, the themes disappear when I begin scrolling through the notebook. I'm using Arc. This would be great if this issue were fixed!
Mario Alberto González Flores
en I don't know how to apply the themes. Some instructions would be very useful!
Daniel Tung
en Very cool. However, I notice that every time you click on anywhere in Colab, the links/paths will automatically blinks. I think this is a bug. Please fix.
Eden Michelle
en easy, works, very good. I love changing theme. best part of programming is making it pretty
Bhargav P Raj
en Can you please give me a demo of how to use?
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