Reviews of Stash

List of user reviews and ratings for Stash

Total ratings

4.50 (Rating count: 6)
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.50
All time rating average: 4.50

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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Inspire Up 365
en This is really good extension but! Still it's missing group feature, and it's frequently update without any new feature disgusting.
Rian Ahammed Rana
en This one is really good. But There is lacking of few features like you can't add all tabs in 1 folder by 1 click, even you can't make group manually these links. I think if you add this, this one will be the best!
en I like it, but I prefer the normal Arc tab pinning features. I was able to easily find my tabs since I had folders and custom names, but these features aren't in Stash. I also don't know how to get the theme that matches your Arc theme to work, either.
Matt Peretz
en Great little extension. Easy to use and setup. Thanks for building this. I have no clue how to program extensions or the limitations, so not sure if this is possible, but a shortcut key to open this extension would be helpful, or maybe an option to keep it open.
Daniel Shen, Zhonghua
en Simple, easy to use...... Just keep your token safe, I suppose if you lost it, you cannot find your data back.
Christian Audigeur
en not sure why this isn’t reviewed.. it’s great.