Evangelion Theme 1080p

A dark red theme for Neon Genesis Evangelion and group image of Rei, Asuka, Kaworu, and Shinji. It's 1080p for HD monitors.

Total ratings

4.58 (Rating count: 123)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • High quality and beautiful design
  • Visually distinguishes the browser
  • Favorite theme among users
  • Good overall fitting for Chrome
  • Email address at the bottom is annoying for some users
  • Low contrast between background colors and action buttons
  • Some icons are hard to see or missing
  • Part of the picture can go black after a while
Most mentioned
  • Quality of the theme
  • Email address annoyance
  • Visibility issues with icons
  • Beautiful visual appearance
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.80
All time rating average: 4.58
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Rating filters

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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
ru Из всех тем по еве самая годаня по качеству и картинке Минус только за то что некоторых иконок вообще не видно
Chathurya Reddy
en SO beautiful that it has been here for the longest. my favorite
Kylan Close
en Amazing theme but the email address at the bottom is annoying to me, might be perfectly fine for others it's just annoying for someone like me
ru Очень красивая тема, она явно выделяет твой браузер на фоне "быдла")))
Luis Fernandez
es Ya llegamos los testigos de Lilith
Jo Quin
es se ve muy bien
Jesús López
sk ;v
Brian Colbert
en Worked for awhile but half the picture has gone black
Daniel França
pt só seria melhor se as cores tivessem um contraste maior, já que as cores de fundo e os botões de ação como "voltar" e "recarregar" tem cores próximas do fundo dependendo da luminosidade do local
it carino
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