Notion+ Mark Manager

Manage your colored texts and comments efficiently in Notion.

Total ratings

4.05 (Rating count: 38)

Review summary

  • Great tool that comes in handy for managing highlights and comments.
  • Supports multiple languages, including Chinese.
  • Helpful for reviewing important points and comments with the use of color coding.
  • Does not work properly; fails to recognize colored text and comments.
  • Issues after updates to Notion's editor, leading to the extension becoming ineffective.
  • Empty check boxes in to-do lists do not provide context for comments highlighted.
Most mentioned
  • Extension is reportedly malfunctioning.
  • Need for enhanced features like filtering and recognizing formatted text.
  • Appreciation for the support of multiple languages.
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.00
All time rating average: 4.05
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Rating filters

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56% (18)
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19% (6)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
rick ren
zh 貌似已经不起作用了?
Aly Aboul Enein
en Doesn't work
zh 不知道为啥,我的Notion+ 标记管理器无法读取notion的颜色标注和评论标注
Allan Chen
zh 很棒。但我的文件導出會“一整段文字”,包含未colored text一起導出。可惜了。希望可以改版。
Laurynn Williams
en What a great widget! Comes in handy a lot more than I thought it would. I would love if there was some way for the widget to recognise highlighted text within tables and headings on the page and not just plain text but overall a great tool. Thanks!!
zh 很不错,还支持了中文,谢谢大佬
josh wanner
en I've highlighted text and commented on a couple words in a to-do list block, but all I get is an empty check box with a blank space and no way of knowing which comment I'm selecting. It will jump to the comment for it but not helpful with no text to identify the comment/item. Any idea how to fix this?
en Doesn't Work. Page has colors but says "This page has no colored texts"
ning Joy
zh 2022.2.22日,Notion对新版本的编辑器更新后,改插件已经失效
Liu Bingyao
en This is very helpful! A little suggestion: If add filter and full size feature, it will be better!
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