Gantter Project Management

The Leading Gantt chart based online project management software

Total ratings

3.81 (Rating count: 1,578)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Great integration with Google Calendar
  • Easy to use
  • Affordable pricing and payment options
  • Good visualization features for project reports
  • Collaborative functionalities
  • Difficulties with subscription cancellation and customer support
  • Limited print settings and options for customization
  • Interface considered confusing or difficult by some users
  • Frequent issues with date settings and project accuracy
Most mentioned
  • Subscription issues and difficulty cancelling
  • Integration with Google services
  • User-friendliness
  • Visualization and reporting features
  • Print settings limitations
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.60
All time rating average: 3.81
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35% (36)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Richard Matthews
en Paid for 12 months and used for an hour. Said I would pay for a month but no refund. You cannot adjust the print parameters which is garbage. Used smartsheet and way better.
Richard Kristein
en One of the best PM tool with task linking, Work break down, Syncing with Google Calendar and great Visualization feature for reports generating. Easy to create small, big and multiple projects as well as sharing feature. I have been using for my Digital Marketing team.
Alfie Thomas
en Great tool to work with Google Sync calendar feature for the tsk, which day to perform easily. Calendar setup with task & Resources. Last but the least Visualization option where we can the project progress report
Alex Lysenko
ru Не могу уже полгода отменить эту подписку. Найти контакты поддержки нереально.
Lucas Grayson
en Great TOOL!! using it for my masters degree. Jumped on a demo with Hameed and he helped me create my first project. Thank you again to the support team!
en Not available since spring 2021, no explanation, no reviews...just ghosted out.
Jose Armando Silva Moro
es Basura bugeada
Nipon Nextster
th ชอบแฮงค์ เปิดช้ามาก
Pricille Greffeuille
fr Interface catastrophique pour un francophone ! Rien que rentrer une date ressemble à un parcours du combattant... Après 1 heure à galérer avec notre prof qui peinait autant que nous alors qu'elle l'avait déjà utilisée, j'abandonne !
Marco Yang
en Not friendly tool.
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