Blue Pattern

Just a simple theme based on a Blue Pattern.

Total ratings

4.64 (Rating count: 53)
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Recent rating average: 4.80
All time rating average: 4.64
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5 star
78% (14)
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22% (4)
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
gregory scaturro
en Awesome simple and easy on eyes would like to see more versions of the theme !
Thiago Marques
en So beautiful and charming... Love it!!!!
Andres Felipe Marin
en It's really beautiful. Did you make the pattern? if so, can I have it in JPG or PNG?
KC Riley-Gyer
en While I wouldn't call this a blue (more like deep ocean), it's still a gorgeous colour. Thank you for creating it.
Rhea Bhat
en Amazing theme!! Ahh switched from a pink triangle one that I thought was the best but now I'm never leaving this one!
Hero Prakosa
en this pattern seems like "Batik" from Indonesia. Thanks :)
Shuyu Xie
en love it
Ilaya Raja
en loved it <3
Ronel Kelmen (MathAppeal)
en I like it, but it's not a "pure" enough blue for me to give it 5 stars. It seems to have a hint of an aqua-ish tone On thing that truly IS great about this theme is that it's very easy to distinguish the active tab from the other tabs.
Shrey Mudgal
en Its Awesome!! USE it or LOSE it...
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