F5 Access

Provides secure access to Enterprise applications using SSL VPN as a part of F5 BIG-IP® Access Policy Manager solution.

Total ratings

2.88 (Rating count: 16)
See reviews for F5 Access on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.63
All time rating average: 2.88

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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Fredric Breitholtz
en cannot start the application at all chrome 132.0.6834.76 (Officiell version) beta (64 bitar) F5 access 1.0.6 tried reinstalling
Adriano Imperador
pt Funciona bem
Daniel McMahon
en Downloaded the app however, whenever I launch the app I only have a blank screen, nothing happens. Any ideas?
Scottsdale CyberNavigator
en does not work, waste of my time.
Michelangelo Grigni
en I used this Chrome App for over a year to access work VPN. It recently stopped working on upgrade to Chrome OS 72.0.3626.49 beta (message "your operating system is not supported"). Luckily I was able to switch to the F5 Access android app, which does work under Chrome OS.
Vincent Huang
en This actually doesn't work on ASUS chromebook Flip c302.
A Google user
en In general seems to be working, but 1. Split tunnel is default and cannot be unset via GUI except if Web Logon is chosen. 2. Client Certificate could not be selected. 3. Further settings are missing
ja 問題なく繋がった。すばらしい。