Reviews of Streak Mail Merge for Gmail

List of user reviews and ratings for Streak Mail Merge for Gmail

Total ratings

4.80 (Rating count: 5)
See reviews for Streak Mail Merge for Gmail on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.75
All time rating average: 4.80

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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
James Dixon
en Great service! I have used Streak to automate a one-time mailing list for an outreach program. The service integrated decently well into my Gmail environment and only took a little bit of tinkering to figure out. The free version caps you at 50 emails per day and limits your ability to automate follow-ups. One feature to suggest: allow users more ease of editing their mailing list once uploaded. Additionally, sometimes the correct pane needed to finalize email sending does not appear, and the Streak menu must be reopened. So navigability could be improved, but overall, great extension!
Romstar Team
en One of the best CRM extensions online. I have been using it for over 9 years and it works great. Thanks
Ichieh Chen
zh 用了很多批次信件,這個最方便簡單
Joshua Cherian
Absolutely amazing tool. It's very useful for sending bulk emails to prospective leads.