Reviews of Zoom Utils

List of user reviews and ratings for Zoom Utils

Total ratings

4.49 (Rating count: 55)

Review summary

  • Amazing time-saving application
  • Keeps all zoom links in one spot
  • Simple UI and very functional product
  • Works perfectly and saves users time
  • Easy to use
  • Auto join feature does not work consistently
  • No backup or restore feature
  • Links keep disappearing or resetting
  • Painful setup for some users
  • Unreliable notifications
Most mentioned
  • Auto join feature not working
  • No backup feature
  • Links disappearing
  • Setup is a pain
  • Great for managing Zoom links
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.40
All time rating average: 4.49
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Rating filters

5 star
67% (28)
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14% (6)
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5% (2)
1 star
5% (2)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
neeta patil mahajan
en nice but the auto join feature does not work
Chris Clark
en Amazing time saving application. before I had all my links saved in a word doc and had to access that every time, as well as having reminders on my phone. All in one solution here!
Susanne Moseid Bryhni
en Did its job. It was kind of a pain to set up, especially because the automatic setup doesnt work for blackboard announcements when theres multiple zoom links
Luke Turner
en good extension, one issue is that I cannot set autojoin meeting times to alternate weekly, only within the week
Samuel Lim
en This app is simply amazing but it has ONE MAJOR FLAW. There is no backup of any form and when I changed to a new computer, all my meetings were gone and I had to re-add them one by one. Please consider adding this and its 5 stars from me. Edit: Have decided to drop my rating for this app from 4 stars to 1 star because of inactive development. Tried contacting the developer via reddit but never got a reply. Also, this extension is SUPER unreliable for me. At times, when I click on the extension, it will show me a blank page even though I have already added all the zoom details previously which require me to restart my browser everytime it happens. Another issue that not only me but many people are facing is that auto-join is not working, which is the SELLING POINT of this extension. If this doesn't work, then I might as well insert all the zoom links into my Google Calendar and link it to the Zoom desktop client so I can connect manually. Lastly, there is no backup feature, so everytime you switch computers or you accidentally clear your browser data, you will have to manually add all the meeting details again, which happened to me more than twice and is infuriating. Everything was working so well for me at the beginning, such as auto-join, but a few days later, it no longer does. It's a shame because this extension was just what I was looking for. Hoping the dev would be more active in maintaining this development.
Ji Ro
en the auto join setting isnt working for me
en 1/31/2021 the auto add feature doesn't work from the launch page anymore
Jake Perrin
en This is great but one problem, The notification and auto join does not work
Yotam Weingarten
en Great! but please have a backup/restore feature since i lost my 15+ links twices already and it takes a relatively long time to add them all.
Nicole Vives Molina
en the link where the meeting id is does not work and neither does the timer set up. the only way i can get into my meetings through there is copying the link into a new tab. Although, now it keeps my links in one spot. It's just the hassle of getting to the meetings every time I copy the link.
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