Red and Black Circuit Board

Theme for Google Chrome with a background image of Red and Black Circuit Board. The theme is presented in Red and Black.

Total ratings

4.00 (Rating count: 3)
See reviews for Red and Black Circuit Board on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.00
All time rating average: 4.00

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5 star
67% (2)
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33% (1)
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Jim Culbert
en *UPDATE WITH IMPORTANT INFO* Works great in Google Chrome. Looks fantastic. Still one of my favorites. I liked it so much that when I found out you can use Google Chrome Themes in Microsoft Edge, I jumped on the opportunity. Unfortunately, the background image doesn't line up correctly with the Google search bar when installed in Microsoft Edge. No fault of They designed it for Chrome not Edge. Just an observation. Doesn't take enough away from Theme to warrant not using it. Still a solid piece of work. Many thanks.
Ace M
en looks cool!
Bailey Wales
en Picture was very good, but very poor choice of colours for the other elements