Mockup Builder

Mockup online tool

Total ratings

2.32 (Rating count: 41)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Large quantity of templates available in the gallery
  • Efficient and comfortable to use
  • Saves time for developing landing pages
  • Regular improvements and updates
  • Requires Silverlight, which is outdated and has been abandoned
  • Limited free options and unclear pricing for paid accounts
  • Trial version expires after 29 days
  • Not compatible with Chromebooks and Linux
  • Users experienced issues with installation and accessing the app
Most mentioned
  • Requires Silverlight
  • Limited free options
  • Trial version with expiration
  • Large template gallery
  • Efficiency and comfort in use
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.40
All time rating average: 2.32
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Rating filters

5 star
21% (4)
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63% (12)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Julio Cesar
pt não consigo acessar
John Tarling
en An app for chrome using the silverlight plugin which chrome doesn't work with... huh?
Li J
en Mockup Builder is still using Silver Light? who has been abandoned by Microsoft long time ago?
en A trial of a paid silverlight app. Need I say more?
Humberto Moreira
pt O Antivírus detectou um cavalo de troia, ao abrir o app.
Mauro Benedetto
it Bello ma molto costoso. Ce sono estensioni allo stello livello free o meno costose.
Ivan Micai
en Using Silverlight?
Stephen Lyda
en Worked well on Chrome Browser and somewhat intuitive interface but the free options are limited in terms of customizing to your desired look and feel. For example, there is not generic list view element which is a staple for mobile development. The only one offered has an iPhone status bar on top and no way to customize the header. Requires log-in, but there is a free base account that does not expire after 29 days as someone else reviewed. All prices are on their website.
Erisvaldo Junior
en installed silverlight and what... nothing happens..
Karthik Prasad
en no information about paid plans upfront
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