Parler Button Pro

Parler Button Pro

Share current tab, links and selected text on Parler.

Total ratings for Parler Button Pro
5.00 (Rating count: 4)
See reviews for Parler Button Pro on Chrome Web Store
Recent reviews for Parler Button Pro
Recent rating average: 5.00
All time rating average: 5.00
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Cheerful Blonde
Cheerful Blonde
So far So good ! After installing the Chrome Web Store APP ~ my screen stayed blank until I figured out that I needed to turn ON the ~ FLASH ~ to "default" in settings. The the site care up. The dashboard is easy to use. I think me, my family, co-workers and church group are ready for new options in our social media. Thanks !
Bill Sanders
Bill Sanders
This button makes sharing links on Parler as simple as can be. If you need more options, get ExpressShare Button. It adds sharing for Parler, MeWe, Twitter and Facebook, all in the same click.
Judy Bass
Judy Bass
I read my way through Google's own review of Parler and from my extensive experience of reading and posting on Parler, I am amazed that the Google review is an extreme example of misinformation. I could not believe how many of its 'descriptions" of this site are inflammatory and wrong! I have NEVER seen anything on there that is "anti-semetic" in any way. You will find that conservatives are probably 99% supportive of the Jewish nation, here and abroad! .It makes me even more inclined to get away from the Google program because of this..."hate speech"! GOOGLE, YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF THE MISINFORMATION YOU HAVE ATTEMPTED TO SPREAD. NOW LET'S SEE IF YOU WILL SPREAD THIS REVIEW!!!!!