Hide Activity Details (+ Tweaks) for Trello

Hides activity details on Trello cards. Can now also be set to hide completed checklist items

Total ratings

4.75 (Rating count: 16)

Review summary

  • Helps to find comments easily by hiding clutter from activity details
  • Works as advertised and is effective in hiding checked items in checklists
  • Reduces clutter in Trello, making the interface cleaner
  • User-friendly and does not require complex setup
  • Intermittent functionality issues; some users report it doesn't work consistently
  • Activity feed still shows for certain items like attachments, which some users would prefer to hide completely
Most mentioned
  • The activity details in Trello are annoying and clutter the interface
  • Users appreciate the functionality of hiding these details
  • There's a strong desire for Trello to integrate this feature natively
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for Hide Activity Details (+ Tweaks) for Trello on Chrome Web Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.60
All time rating average: 4.75
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5 star
92% (12)
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8% (1)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Brandon Howard
en Doesn't work. I used this a while back and it worked to auto hide checked items in checklists, but now it just flat out does not work.
Muxin Li
en THANK YOU I can finally find comments instead of scrolling past endless activity details. Needs to be part of the original Trello product; glad I found this extension!
Joshua Clark
en thanks for making this, seems insane to not have this included as an option in trello
Artiom K.
en works as advertised. It's sad it doesn't work out of the box.
en The Activity Details are so annoying... I am so glad I found you!
Tom D
en Works perfectly!
Thomas Eriksson
en Works Perfect, even if I had to restart my computer first. Thank you developer for this! The world is too cluttered as it is...
Duncan Street
en Just what I was looking for! But, I still notice it shows the activity feed for when I've "attached" an item. Was that intentional? Would love to see that removed as well. Using Chrome Version 52.0.2743.116 (64-bit)
George T. Wacker
en Very helpful. The activities lists are annoying.
en it works!
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