Pencilsheep Photo Editor

Professional photo editor running directly in your browser!

Total ratings

3.06 (Rating count: 18)
See reviews for Pencilsheep Photo Editor on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.60
All time rating average: 3.06

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60% (3)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Patrice Laborda
en Blazing fast on Ubuntu-MATE 16.04 and 18.04, very stable and easy to use! You stopped your website, don't let few bad rating giving up on this very nice app! Rome was not build in 1 day ;) so have faith in your app and work, and get back your website!
Sarah simpson
en Doesn't work at all.
ru Не знаю как у кого, но у меня она работает быстрее всех бесплатных аналогов (krita, gimp) а фильтры так и вообще быстрее фотошопа пашут. Для 3дшки рисовать нормали в реальном времени это вообще вещь.
remo Biolcati Rinaldi
it incontrollabile
Vincent Williamson (Vash)
en This app lags and never lets you save your work because it crashes. I would love it if it could be fixed please!