Gmail Checker - Multi Account Gmail Notifier

Get notifications for multiple Gmail accounts, and read or delete email without opening Gmail

Total ratings

4.24 (Rating count: 71)

Review summary

  • Easy to use
  • Amazing functionality
  • Helpful for multiple accounts
  • Does not show unread email counts
  • Frequent error messages
  • Possible security issues leading to account blocks
  • Invasive ads for other services
Most mentioned
  • Not working or non-functional
  • Shows an 'E' instead of email count
  • Unexpected error messages
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for Gmail Checker - Multi Account Gmail Notifier on Chrome Web Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.70
All time rating average: 4.24
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Rating filters

5 star
83% (59)
4 star
3 star
1% (1)
2 star
6% (4)
1 star
10% (7)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Bob Loucks
en Does Nothing and makes you wonder how the rating is so ridiculously high when all the ratings are accurately poor...
Irmgard Rudaur
ru Несколько аккаунтов не поддерживаются, разработчик лжет.
Vincent Lin
en E for Error, not working
Dan Orre
en The icon shows an "E" letter instead of number of unread emails.
HardStyle (JavaScript)
ru Это полностью нерабочее расширение. Не устанавливайте. Там просто значёк Е
Jim Fath
en Just shows "E" and will not update. Basically just a shortcut to Gmail with no mail count value
Ludo Janssens
en I get an "Unexpected error: saveUser not defined" message. Instead of the email count, I see an "E" (from error???) Notification does not work either.
Ume Farwa
en bh
en Another refugee here after that other gmail checker kicked me out... Here, I get this: Unexpected Error: saveUser is not defined. This is all this extension is doing.
zh 一次删除了很多年的邮件,几千封邮件。终于不用一个个选中删除了。谢谢你,开发者。
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