Full-screen Auto Refresh for PBIRS

Select interval and see your report in fullscreen with auto refresh feature!

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3.20 (Rating count: 5)
See reviews for Full-screen Auto Refresh for PBIRS on Chrome Web Store

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Recent rating average: 2.75
All time rating average: 3.20

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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Marcin Korwek
en Hello! I also like this extension and used to use it.. but after September 2021 PBIRS upgrade some problems appeared - I can't hide one of the bars (this with file/view/edit/explore/refresh). @Moustafa Do you plan to release a new version of this extension? It would be great to get this fixed and adapted to PBIRS September 2021.
Ateret Lavi
en The full screen works but the auto refresh doesnt, please help.
Mark Indy
en I like the extension. It works pretty much as it claims. But if I move between tabs, I have to start it again. I use chrome to display PowerBI dashboards on different tabs (and other pages I monitor on other tabs). I use the revolver plugin to automatically move between tabs. I can do this fine in full screen mode. But every time it returns to the BI tab, the bars reappear. Very close to getting chrome to do what I want. :-)
Veerasak Sue
en It's not working, cannot refresh as description.