ProProfs Knowledgebase

Simple yet powerful knowledgebase software

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4.00 (Rating count: 11)
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Recent rating average: 4.80
All time rating average: 4.00

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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
John Nick
en A complete collaboration tool. We wanted a solution for our organization that could enable us to collaborate and work on projects at the same time from anywhere. So, we needed a repository where we could not only store our information but also make changes, publish it and add media to the documentation. ProProfs was the best solution we could get and the operations have been smooth ever since.
Angelena James
en I started using ProProfs Knowledgebase after I saw the need of an internal wiki for my team. We needed something that can update and publish our work instantly, so that other teammates could add their suggestions in real time. ProProfs exactly provided us with that, we were able to share information and work on projects together, sitting at completely different places!
Jacqueline Raynott
en Pretty easy to use knowledge base tool with a lot of features. As a freelance technical writer I had a requirement to create a project for a client and used ProProfs as it gives 20 pages for free. I usually use authoring tool Madcap for documentation but I required a SaaS platform for this project. So ProProfs was perfect because the editing is pretty much up-to-mark with other software, but that fact that you can have pages published instantly and that my clients could immediately see my work was what really helped me out.
Earlene Clarke
en We needed a private knowledge base which would be visible to only our users. We wanted the process should be seamless with single sign on so nobody was required to punch their credentials. ProProfs really made things simple for us with their single sign on feature and now we have knowledge base with over 500 pages.
John Yansen Wasanggay
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